Understanding the Interior Design Process

The interior design process is not simple and easy, you need to understand the project as a whole and each phase of design to ultimately save your time and money. The first step of the design process is to find a design firm that has an experienced and respected team of architects, artisans and contractors. Each design firm works differently, and every project varies according to its size and requirements. The major phases of a design project are:
1. Schematic Design: This is the first stage of the design process which defines the scope of the project. The designer and architect will provide rough sketches and show materials to ensure the concept is moving in the direction you proposed.
2. Design Development: The next stage turns concepts into concrete workable items. This stage will help to recognize any problem areas that may not have been evident forthright. In design development, the architect and the interior designer creates initial architectural drawings and material specifications.
3. Construction Documents: In this phase, the preliminary drawings that were created in the design development phase of the project are now turned into working documents, filtered for perfection and code requirements. All the materials to be used in the project are finalized and the specifications are arranged. Once this is complete, the documents serve as a tool to build out the project.
4. Bidding Phase: In the bidding phase, the construction documents are sent to prospective building contractors for preparing bids. The bid is an estimate of the cost and time it will take to complete your design project.
5. Construction Administration: In the final phase, the manual work begins. The actual materials to be used are presented for a final approval prior to installation. Your interior designer would be available throughout this phase to address any queries or concerns. At the end of this phase, your design project is complete!
If you are planning for a construction project management in Dubai, to elevate and enhance its interior you should be hiring the best interior design company in Dubai for a perfect masterpiece to be produced.